No one would believe me when....

    No one would believe me when I would tell them that I went to Las Vegas, Nevada. They had such a hard time believing that someone like me that grew up with next to nothing would do something like that. My husband and I grew up in very small towns and the people in them never do anything. When we went to Las Vegas, I got to see so many awesome things. The people in the area were the best part though. They were so comfortable with the chaos that caused my chest to hurt at times.
    Another thing no one would believe me about would be when I tell them that I am pregnant. I joke with my mother all the time because for the last 10 years, my siblings and I have given her 1 new grandchild a year. So every time I go to her house,  I tell her I'm pregnant. Although not completely impossible, my tubes are tied. So although a possibility, it's never gonna happen.


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