Things to do when you are bored is......
Things to do when you are bored is listen to music, go four-wheeling, take a walk, read a book, or in my case, do house chores. I love listening to music because no matter what you are feeling or going through in life, there is a song for that. Another thing to do is ride a four-Wheeler. Just go out into the middle of the woods, and listen to the sounds of wildlife. Or you could simply go for a walk. It gives you time to reflect on things and maybe see new things you don't notice when riding in a car.
Also, you could read a book. Sometimes you feel like you could almost escape reality. Some authors have a special skill of making you feel like you are actually there in the moment. Last, but not least, cleaning. I have a 9 and 10 year old and a husband that keeps me in enough work to stay busy for weeks. Between the three of them, I don't get much down time.
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